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Tax Information and Updates

How do we handle our tax returns in these uncertain times?

I have been asked if it is safe to meet with a CPA while we are told to keep social distancing?

First, I want to reassure everyone that we will get through this together!

I am monitoring myself and taking the recommended precautions of hand washing and hygiene.  I have not had any symptoms of any infection and have not been to any places that would put me in a position that would compromise me or any of my clients. 

With technology we have several options to exchange tax information that do not require “in-person” meetings if this is what anyone would prefer. We can use electronic methods to communicate and exchange data.  I also have my drop box location available for you to utilize in the Wimberley area. 

If you have any questions or concerns, I encourage you to call me so we can discuss them.

Above all, I want you to take care of yourself and know that I am here for you…your personal CPA.

Tiffany Patch