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Tax Information and Updates

*** Tax Deadlines Extended for 2020 Tax Returns and Payments

Texans - The filing deadline for 2020 taxes has been extended for all Texans to June 15, 2021. This is for filing your return and any payments due. The IRS extended the deadlines due the extreme weather. For further information: https://www.irs.gov/newsroom/victims-of-texas-winter-storms-get-deadline-extensions-and-other-tax-relief

The rest of the United States - The filing deadline for 2020 taxes has been extended for all of the United States (Except Texas - See above) to May 17, 2021. This is for filing your return and for any payments due. This is due to tax law changes and concerns related to the COVID. For further information: https://www.irs.gov/newsroom/tax-day-for-individuals-extended-to-may-17-treasury-irs-extend-filing-and-payment-deadline

The deadline extensions DO NOT apply to estimated tax payments that are due on April 15th.

If you have business in more than one state, you should contact me to discuss your situation as there can be mitigating circumstances on the possible due date. If you have any further questions about the deadlines, please feel free to contact me.

Tiffany Patch